Monday 30 December 2013

House Of Holland Geek Chic Nails Set

Henry Holland Geek Chic Nails, geek cheek nail art

quirky nail art designs, geek chic nail arthenry holland false nails, henry holland geek chic nails

I was so so so excited to try out these false nails from Henry Holland and I put them on as soon as I got back from Boots. This was pretty pricey but after seeing how cute they were, I couldn't resist. I mean, it's Christmas! Why not treat yourself! 

The product comes in the usual card and plastic packaging which is black on the front and has a unique cut out of a 2D house. The sides are coloured and decorated with a design that matches the pattern of the nails. When I first looked at it, I thought only had one set of 10 nails but when I opened it, they were hidden in a little hole behind the Geek Chic sticker. (Although it does say on the packaging, I was too excited to read information)  I was also surprised to see that there were more designs other than the 10 that were shown on the front through the plastic packaging.

This pack also includes a nail file and a small tube of nail glue. I like using the nail file but I prefer using nail glue that I can brush on like a nail polish rather than using a tube of nail glue. I think this is because it won't hurt your thumb when you're trying to apply it, it's so much easier and when your false nails eventually fall off, you aren't left with little lumps of glue of the surface of your nails.
Despite the 10 sizes, they are very long and they are a kind of stiletto style of nails. In my opinion as they are so long that they are impractical for a casual style and doing everyday things, like washing your hair, typing or even writing.

Be really careful with nail glue if you don't have the brush on nail glue as using the tube can make your hand cramp up and feel super uncomfortable. It often bonds your skin to the nail you're applying on because sometimes when I use the tube, I squeeze out way too much and end up with excessive amounts of glue that overflows and bonds onto my skins for days. Also, be very cautious with nail glue because it bonds! Avoid any contact with eyes or mouth and be careful with how much glue you use.
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  1. Very quirky and colourful nails! Lovely photos, sis! xxxx

  2. Wow these nails look great! I want some

  3. Really cool stuff and amazing photography skills!

  4. These look amazing and your blog looks great :) x

    Catherines Loves

  5. Wow, these look so unusual and quirky! You have such a lovely blog design too Vanessa xxx

  6. I love a bit of geek chic, your nails look fab! I didn't realise that Henry Holland had delved into the realms of nails!

  7. Aah they are so cool!


  8. Ahhhhh! These are amazing! The lips and eye! :) x


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